Well, I bet you never thought there was a connection between the global economic implication of the state of the US economy, and an extinct relative of Jumbo!!!!!
But there is!!!!! And here is the evidence!!!!!
Well I never!!!! I didn't know my financial well-being was affected by the deficits of wooly mammoths!!!! Mind you, as they were big creatures, they must have done pretty large deficits!!!!!!! They must have crapped over huge areas of land!!!!!
No wonder it affects the economy!!!!! The stock market must take a bit of a hit every time a bit of prime real estate is found to have been a proto-elephantine convenience in the last Glacial period!!!!!!!
But there is!!!!! And here is the evidence!!!!!
When the US treasury secretary John Snow speaks in London tonight, he will have plenty to say about Europe's weak record on economic growth. Yet we fear Mr Snow will have too little to contribute on the mammoth US deficits in trade and public finance that have led to a faltering US dollar.
Well I never!!!! I didn't know my financial well-being was affected by the deficits of wooly mammoths!!!! Mind you, as they were big creatures, they must have done pretty large deficits!!!!!!! They must have crapped over huge areas of land!!!!!
No wonder it affects the economy!!!!! The stock market must take a bit of a hit every time a bit of prime real estate is found to have been a proto-elephantine convenience in the last Glacial period!!!!!!!