X-Rated Lego!!!!!
Looks like old friend Lego is undergoing a bit a rennaisance at the mo!!!!!!!! First they added robotics, now they're adding Steven Speilberg!!!!!!!! Yes, the director of Jurassic Park 2 and other classic movies has lent his name to a new Lego set which includes a digicam and PC software, which allows afficionadios of tha mighty brick to make their own Lego Movies!!!!!!!!!!!
And movies are starting to appear on tha NetWeb now!!!!!!!! Already we've got Lego Video Nasties and Lego Porno!!!!!!!!!!
No doubt, we'll be having Lego Reality Docu-soaps next!!!!!!! At least they'll be more interesting than the real thing!!!!!!!!!
And movies are starting to appear on tha NetWeb now!!!!!!!! Already we've got Lego Video Nasties and Lego Porno!!!!!!!!!!
No doubt, we'll be having Lego Reality Docu-soaps next!!!!!!! At least they'll be more interesting than the real thing!!!!!!!!!