Wot a great advert for UK democracy!!!!!!!
U-no, that olde parliament down in Westminster has got some new bloke to bang his gavel and shuffle his wig!!!!! I dunno why he does it tho!!!!!!! But apparently this bloke, who comes from just up the road from me, is the new "Speaker" of the Houses of Parliament!!!!!! Er, hang on, I thought everyone spoke there!!!!!! It would be a bit difficult for the Speaker to a ventriliquoist act with every MP!!!!!!!!! Tho it would explain why everyone there talks so funny!!!!!!!!
Erm, where was I?!?!?!? Oh yes, the
Glasgow Herald has been wittering on about the vote for the Speaker being a "farce" and putting Westminster into "disrepute"!!!!!! (!!!!) But that's Nothing compared what I read later in
this article...
In traditional style he was dragged to the chair, which he has occupied from time to time since 1997 as a Deputy Speaker. MPs applauded heartily.
U wot??!?!?!?
"Dragged" to the chair?!!??!?! On the first day of his new job!??!?!? What sort of state was he in that he had to be
"dragged" to the chair?!?!?!?! And MPs actually
applauded this!??!?!?!?! And this is supposed to be
Blimey!!!!!!!!! If this is the way Parliament works, I don't think they have to be too worried about the voting system bringing them into disrepute!!!!!!!!!!