Predictions are a load of crap!!!!!!!!!
Well, wot wiv 2001 just 2 days away, all the usual boring gits are crawling out of the woodwork using the existance of a certain Stanley Kubrik movie to talk about the nature of science fiction, technology, and predictions about the future!!!!!!! It's about as tiresome as the bit between Nov 1983 and Feb 1984 when all the talking heads were yapping on about Orwell!!!!!!! (And I'm not referring to the talking duck here!!!!!!!! I am in fact alluding to the novelist who wrote "Nineteen Eighty Four"!!!!!!!! Tho why he chose to use the name of
a talking green ventriloquist's duck when his real name was Eric is anyone's guess!!!!!!!!! Mind you, having read that flipping book, he does appear to be writing as tho something's stuck up his "ass"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And by "a talking green ventriloquist's duck" I am of course referring to a talking green duck as operated by a ventriloquist!!!!!!!! As opposed to a talking duck operated by a ventriloquist in the advanced stages of gangrene!!!!!!!!!!)
Ahem anyway!!!!!!!! Here's some slightly more interesting article about crap predictions!!!!!!!!! According to this one, there's some old book from ye olde days, written from the point of view of some bloke in 2027, that has some hilariously bad predictions about
Scotland dissolving into sectarian anarchy kind of round abouts now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It includes gems such as:
"Troops and armoured cars had twice been brought from England to re-establish military law in Lanarkshire"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And even:
You must recall that no newspaper of any importance has been published in the country for 20 years. There is no reason why one should be. There are excellent aeroplane services from London, Manchester, and Dublin.
Well there you go!!!!!!!! If you have any trouble getting a newspaper, just jump on a plane to Dublin!!!!!!!!!!