So wot did I do today then!??!?!
Well, first thing after I was thrown out of the Internet cafe was I had a nice walk along Kensington High Street!!!! One thing I noticed is that there's a department store called
Barkers!!!!!!! No wonder Ronnie Barker retired!!!!! He's obviously very busy in the retail business now!!!!!
After that was some gigantic park thingy (With loads of joggers puffing about!!!!!! Until I started putting tripwires between the trees, that is!!!!) called
Kensington Common!!!! Don't expect me to say anything interesting about it, because there isn't anything interesting about it!!!!! It's just a big park!!!!!
At one end of the common is that
Albert Memorial thingy!!!!!! Remember that bloke Derek Jamieson on that old "
Do They Mean Us?" telly proggy, about how other countries view us!??!?!? Absolutely required viewing of course, not so much because of the telly clips shown but because of Jamieson's hilariously stuffy reactions to them!!!!! I remember one time he was chortling over some Iranian TV piece about how the Albert memorial represents Britain being morally bankrupt imperialist aggressors etc., etc, ...Then there was some bit where some policeman on a mounted horse rides by the monument with some really dramatic music in the background, as if to say
"See?!??!?! They're still the same even today!!!!!!", and Jamieson goes "What on Earth was that all about?!??!?!?"!!!!!!!! Mind you, he didn't like Scots then either!!!!!!!!!! Now he lives in Glasgow, thinks Glaswegians are really nice!!!!!!!! Ha!!!!!!!!
Ahem, anyway!!!! Behind that was the
Albert Hall!!!! Actually, it looks a bit smaller than you see on telly!!!!!!! I looked at the programme to see what on there, and it's bloody
David Essex!!!!!!!!!!!
After a quick persual of my map, I realise that that the
Victoria & Albert Museum was not too far away!!!!!! So I walked on down there, and guess wot... On the way, I ran into the entrance of
Imperial College, whose FTP servers have stored some of the old
Senior Dads demos!!!!!!! In future time, this will be worshipped as a shrine to classic demo design!!!!!!!!
Anyway, I popped into the V&A (As those young whippersnappers who run it now call it!!!!!) and there was almost as much stuff in it as the flippin'
Louvre!!!!!!!! There was some massive rooms with gigantic reproductions of bits of sculptures!!!!! They were just lying around, dwarfing the human visitors, making it look like a giants attic!!!!!!! In one room, there were two rather massive columns which threaten to put even my own massive column to shame!!!!!! Talking of which, they also had a full size reproduction (!!!) of that Michaelangelo statue of
David with his knob hanging out!!!! I must say that the tourists nearby were most impressed when I loudly declared that it wasn't as big as mine!!!!!
After spending a couple of hours find the way out, I came out the front entrance to notice that it was starting to cloud over!!!!!!!! For most of the weekend, it was actually jolly nice weather!!!!! Not the wind and rain and fire and brimstone that had been predicted at all!!!!! So, it looked like it might be raining soon- wot should I do before it really buckets down?!?!?! I know- hunt some Wombles!!!!!!!!!
So I ventured all the way to Wimbledon on tha tube, had to trek up a hill to the Wimbledon High Street (Which I notice has all the nice cafe and horse riding stables whilst the lower part of Wimbledon has the MacDonalds and supermarkets!!!!) and eventually came to
Wimbledon Common!!!!!! But I searched High and Low, and I couldn't find any Wombles!!!!!!!!! It was just starting to rain, but I don't think that's why the Wombles disappeared!!!!!!! Wimbledon Common is not the rolling greenery you might have supposed it was to be from watching tha tellybox- in fact it was more like something out the
Blair Witch Project!!!!!!! Anyway, I got bored and trudged back down the hill- at which I remembered that in one of the books, the Wombles had actually moved away from Wimbledon Common to some other place, so there actually any Wombles to find!!!!!!!!! You can bet I felt a right berk at that point!!!!!!
Anyway, back to the centre of London!!!!! And after some eats, I decided to go to Picadilly Circus!!!! Unfortunately it was too dark, and I couldn't take any piccies!!!!! Anywayz (!!!!), I found this rather extraordinary place there called the
London Trocadero which was mainly filled with this rather large amusement arcade called
Funworld!!!!!! There were the usual
"SuperDuperUltraRacer X3.4 VR" type jobbies, but there were one of two rather neato ones!!!!! Ones to watch out for are:
Bishi-Bashi Championship, which plays like a game from the mind of someone who watches too much Scooby Doo!!!!!!! And the other biggy is
Pirate, which is basically like Pilotwings, only it's a pirate ship, and you steer it using a controller shaped like ye olde wooden captains steering wheel!!!!!!!!!! And the graphics are pretty neat as well- I expect the laywers behind
Captain Pugwash will be after the makers of this game!!!!!
So that's that!!!!!! I'm now going to go off and have a couple of "jars" at a couple of pubs on the way to the bus station!!!!!!!
Bye from London!!!!!