A galaxy of music- literally!!!!! (Almost!!!!)
Crikey!!!!!! The new epoch of digital audio has finally arrived, and I didn't realise it!!!!!!! This is truly a Big Day for tha NetWeb!!!!!!!!
Wot do you mean
"Oh calm down, you silly old man!!!!"?!??!? OK, here's the story... Wot with Napster going all fee-paying, and also due to the fact that, thanks to Napster's not-very-user-friendly interface, one can download a file called "
and listen to it, and hear some crap "alternative" band from "Austin" do a really dire song called something like "Britney Sucks!!!!!!" type nonsense, I've been looking for an alternative Nappy clone that's much better!!!!!!
So here's a jolly nice one called called
Audiogalaxy!!!!!!! You just download a nice little
P2P client, and let their spiffy w3site interface do the rest!!!!! Even better it recognises the ID3 tags on mpeggies, and keeps track of identical copies of files, so as to allow for sensible distribution of popular files!!!! There's also a growing database of songs and artists which can allow you to find even not-so-popular stuffs!!!
Anyway, that's by the by- what's really exciting is that the Audiogalaxy "satellite" has finally passed the "
Grandad Test"!!!! Yes!!!! As postulated in an
early issue of SC, the Grandad Test was a measure of how mainstream NetWeb audio file distribution had become!!!! Now we know that file-swapping has truly hit the big time, when you can now get a copy of
"Grandad" by Clive Dunn in mpeggy format!!!!!!!!!!!!
I haven't been this impressed by the marvels of science since I first saw Man Walk on the Moon, or played
(Thanks to NTK for alerting us to this site!!!!!)