SENIOR CITIZEN is a flippin' good read of other people's flippin' good read!!! Peruse the wierd and wacky each week thru the miracle that is the megamighty super-information edutainment multimedia ultra-highway Webby thingy!!!!! Presented by Old Fart- of tha Senior Dads multimedia art terrorist demo crew!!!!!!
Friday, September 27, 2002
Microsoft: Piracy is OK- if you're a Chinaman!!!!!
You may call it a bloody racket, we call it a design feature!!!!!!!!!!
Killing zombies is good for kids!!!!
Scientists have found "cosmic polarisation", which is probably not too surprising as this bit of info about 'polarisation' arised at a pole- the South Pole that is!!!!!!!!!!!
Apparently it's called 'Uploadphonix', now!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, September 24, 2002
Bombay didn't "Forget About Dre"!!!!!!!!
Friday, September 20, 2002
"Already I do not know as have-of having me with this chaste one of people"!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, September 10, 2002
Oi!!!! Blunket!!!! Shut it!!!!!!!!!
Nukes: Yaaawwwwnnn!!!!!
Funny little man wot doesn't write for tha Herald!!!!
It seems that writing eulogies about the Renfrew Ferry or writing fumilnations about homosexuals despite having been previously outed in gay magazine are OK, but it's apparently a bit of a no-no to write:
Wednesday, June 05, 2002
Who says punk is immature!!!!!!!!!
Welcome to the New York Times, Mr p7d8n1BMMuIIC!!!!
Industry middlemen are against cutting out industry middlemen!!!!!!
Tuesday, June 04, 2002
"The last thing you want is for your television to find out you have haemorrhoids", says this bloke!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, April 16, 2002
Thursday, April 04, 2002
Monday, March 25, 2002
Saturday, March 23, 2002
Friday, March 22, 2002
Ali G is the new "Al Johnson"!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Which to be honest, is probably more more amusing than his current cinematic excursion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, March 14, 2002
Use an inkjet printer- and go to jail!!!!!!
Yay!!!! It's the Eurovision Song Content again!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll be voting "Ping Pang-a-Pong" by Beligum's Hardrock Bert & His Hot Poogy Express!!!!! (Wot do you mean they didn't win the Beligan finals!??!?! Oh, fiddlesticks!!!!!!!!!)
Holidays in Glasgow: 'dogshit'!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, March 13, 2002
Do you think if I say 'Senior Citizen is bloody brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!!' enough, it'll get on Google?!??!?!
Shock horror!!!!!!!!! Televisual advertisiments are a bit deafening on the old earhole!!!!!!!!
When all those bowler hat types say to hackers: "Why don't you use your skills for a proper job!??!?!?!??!", I don't think they meant this!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, February 25, 2002
"Full Confidence" Alert!!!!!
U-no, I always thought those wacky US fundie types were flogging a dead horse, but I didn't think they meant it literally!!!!!!!!!!!!! (BTW Do they have a different Bible over there?!?!?! One that misses out the "Thou Shalt Not Lie" bit?!?!?!?)
If you decided to do a spiffy new "ad hoc" network with your wireless, would you give a name which sounds like something that nice young chap Will Smith would come up with?!?!?!??!?!
Go to tha Offies- in your Drawing Room!!!!!
Curling- the new Rock 'n' Roll?!??!?!
Monday, February 18, 2002
Blog off, Blogs!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, February 08, 2002
Talk about 'revealing sources'!!!!!!
Except for this!!!!!! The GuardyPeeps put their usual load of "related links" at the end of their story, just like any tired "old media" w3sitey!!!! And look at what they put as the top link!!!!!!!!! Before the linkos to the National Crime Sqaud!!!!!!
Thursday, February 07, 2002
They finally picked the replacement member for Kym in failing made-uppie beat combo Hear"Say, and peeps are really pleased about it!!!!!!!
Friday, February 01, 2002
If you're a multisquillion comglomeratery thingy and you're trying to swing a vote, it's a good idea not to get caught!!!!!!!
Naughty words- on "This Morning"!!!!
So bloody wot, you might roar!!!!! Well, OK, it's not really that contraversial these days!!!! I mean, we've already had Pupperty of the Penis performing live on the Big Breakfast at 8am in the morning!!!! (Albiet filmed from behind and from the waist up!!!!!) However, that was merely the horse doovre for a truly groundbreaking moment in tha anals of UK Daytime TV!!!!! "One of my monologues is called 'Reclaiming C@%$' It is very challenging." she said on a live telly-o-gram broadcast!!!!!! Which provoked the wrath of... one person!!!!!!!!!!
Crikey!!!! You just wondered how Richard Madley would have handled this one!!!!! He probably would have done a crap Ali G impersonation and said: "Errr!!!! Oh my God!!!! Oops, I mean, nah woman, innit!!! I is using the word 'punani', err, instead!!!! Aiii?!?!?!?"!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, January 07, 2002
The Fast & The Furious- and that's just the customers!!!!!!!!
Mind you, one other thing that it appears to be preventing is record sales!!!! According to this bloke, the first US release containing copy protection hasn't even scraped into the US top 200!!! And the "reviews" on Amazon haven't been too complimentary either!!!! Woops!!!!